Since I was unable to make it to the Deep Cleveland open-mic Friday night, and since I need to spend a weekday in Kent, here’s what I’ve planned for this week:
Thursday, I’ll be heading to Brunswick for the Brunswick Art Works Open Mic at Insights Coffee at 7:00. The featured poet will be Natalie Palmieri.
After that, I’ll be dashing up to the Tremont district of Cleveland, for the Literary Café’s monthly poetry extravaganza at 9:30. The featured poets will be David Hassler & Michelle Krivanek.
Even with gas back down around $3.60 a gallon, it’s still cheaper to get a hotel room than to drive back to Massillon and then back up north the next morning. I’ll probably crash for the night somewhere in Fairlawn or Stow.
On Friday, I’ll be zipping around Kent distributing fliers for the September 6 open-mic at Scribbles Café. I’ll also be stopping at a café in Akron that I won’t name at this time, in hopes of getting a meeting with the manager to schedule a Poet’s Haven open-mic there in October or November. I’m not 100% sure what I’m doing Friday night, but I do know of a few bands playing shows that I would like to see.
Saturday morning I’ll be sleeping in. LOL I’ll probably still be wiped out from Thursday, starting at my day-job at 7:00 AM and ending at the Lit well after 1:00 AM.
Saturday night, I’ll be heading to Lake Anna After Dark in Barberton for Nadelaine’s Poetry Nite. I’m telling everyone, you need to check this place out. It is phenomenal.
Then by Sunday, I should be at a poetry overload. I’ll probably spend the day watching Law & Order and CSI reruns.
Then Monday, its back to the day-job and time to start the countdown to Saturday Night With The Poet’s Haven at the Phoenix Coffee Co. in South Euclid on Saturday, August 23!