“You Are God (An Anti-War Poem)” by Mark Fleury

This blast from the last
Stand of me overtook a
Fallen grace as explosions
Of a diamond can. Guilt
Then that I could see a

Flash outside myself, in
The space that allows you
To see me who now knows
That you are god. Debris
Of thought falls all around
As your reflection as bomb

Is absorbed into me from
The exploded sun. That's how
Your soul is inhaled. Sucked.

And now we take to the street
Where gentleness and violence
Combine from the blinding flash
Of projected/reflected

You. So we'd better go,
Protected by only the who we
Are that's the same.

Violence is easy. Changing the forms
With phantom of light being flames,

Many different burnings from
Inside god. Full of breath, of
Last exhale, of blue sky in us.
All of the bits of broken you

And me have fallen below
One diamond of many deaths.
Blue is expensive. Anyway

There is an opening in was, a
Ripple. That's how psychology
As setting sun divides oneplace
Into an ability to laugh at killing
Another to save oneself. Funny.

O.K. sublime flash vanity is tempting
But can it be entered

Like a door? A throat can only
Assist so much hunger. Goal set:
Take myself home now so I can
Offset exhaustion. And a coffin
That fits its dream of love for

Destruction. This while the coal
Mines of my mind as black smoke
From a train makes its way through
A snowstorm. I mean breath wakes
Up, lifts up tiredness as death out

Of my thought-container and
Into above me, to include
What can't be swallowed.

That cloud ghost has
Followed me everywhere
Words are, and where they're
Not just means I don't know
Who reads or writes them.

So nothing changes when air
Fills empty me except that
Energy is opened from the
Sun inside us. I mean who

Is not tired.